Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Twas the Week before Christmas......

On Monday eve., Seth and I "wrapped" over 110 gifts.
On Tuesday night, we had the children come to practice playing the bells for our Christmas Program. Afterwards, we played a few games, had a talk, and then opened some gifts.

Wed. Ladies' Night
Thursday, Christmas Service

There were 43 in attendance with at least 3 people who came for the very first time and several who attended that haven't for years. Yes, we were encouraged! The whole program was centered around not having an Xmas, just another holiday, but a CHRISTmas!
Friday School Gift Exchange N Pizza

Friday evening - Paricipating in Program at Hospah Holiness Mission
The Tale Of Two Kings - It was Awesome!
A Herod's Life vs Jesus' -
Last Scene - Everyone will bow at the name of Jesus! (even Herod who scurged and ridiculed Him) It was a very powerful ending as the whole cast went to the front and bowed down before the cross and Jesus, laying our "trophies" at His feet, while someone sang, "Have you any room for Jesus?"

Christmas Decor

How does it look around our place at Christmas?
This year the students chose to decorate the classroom in gifts and bows.

At the church, we always try to decorate with a message.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Got Home! Need Wife!

Here is a good friend of ours that is looking for a helpmeet. He recently has purcased his own home and is doing some remodeling on it. He is a third generation MK here in NM. He loves the Lord and feels he needs to help his parents in the mission work at Hospah, NM. He has many interests; Hunting, camping, fishing, ranching, and some good old fashion clean fun with family and friends and works hard. He loves children and they love to be with him. He is about 25 yrs. and I had better not forget his name: Timothy Sanders

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What's on the "List" for this week?

Plans for this week seem overwhelming! I have cleaning, cards, some decorating, and gifts to wrap Monday night. Tuesday night, we plan to practice playing the bells with the community children for the program and have a little Christmas children's night, giving out gifts that others sent in for the children. Wed. it is the ladies night. We plan a little C. craft, make some candy and share a little gift and devotional. Thursday, we have our Christmas program @ 7:00 p.m. (Please pray!) Friday, we are scheduled for our last day of school for this year with our C. party and then in the evening, we are planning to participate in another program that is on the tales of two kings.
Lord willing, I'll be back to the computer next Sat., if I survive the week.:)
On the serious note, I really do appreciate all the prayers and encouragement you all send our way. Christmas is a very busy time, but it is also a great time for outreach. This past week, when we went C. caroling, I finally had one guy that said he would come to church on Thursday night for the C. program. I hope and pray he will. He will help his mother get ready and send her but he never showed interest in coming.
Hopefully, we will remember our camera next time and be able to share some of the events of this past week. We made lots of cookies, with the school students help, and gave out a plateful to those to whom we went Christmas caroling. Trust you all have a good week and its off to jail service for me............... Still pondering this morning's lesson..........Would I have been willing to say yes to the angel as Mary did when knowing the difficult task that God was asking me to do could mean persecution, separation from loved ones, losing the one I was about to marry, others talking bad about me and the list goes on..............remember it's about CHRISTmas! Mel

'Tis the Season...

Goodies! Mmmm!Mmmm! That time when the Christmas programs are in full swing and those of us who are in charge have a million and one things to do to get it all together and run it as smoothly as possible. Tonight we put together some treat bags for our Christmas program. Our family has some memories to go with preparing treats. As long as I can remember this has been a yearly event. Our family also has some stories to go along with the ritual. One year my father opened all the bags to add one more M&M because there were some left over. The preparation started earlier when we went to Albuquerque to pick up the makings of the treats. One of the big hits is the "Monster Cookies." I'm not sure where they get their name. Mabe its the size of bowl you need to mix the batter in. It only takes 18 cups of oatmeal and 3 lbs of peanut butter and 1 doz. eggs plus brown sugar and baking soda - 8 teaspoons not tablespoons as we found out last year- and M&M's. We like to let it set overnight and then bake the following day. Well while Melodie did laundry and dishes I baked over 6 doz cookies. It's not over yet. We will pack some more for our jail service we have on Christmas Day.
Here we see the 2nd and 3rd gerneration working on the treats - Auntie and Marlin.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Praise and Prayer Update

Thank-you for your prayers! I'm sure every one is busy now a days, but for those of you who do remember us in your prayers. Thank-you!
Yes, Marlin and I were blest with having pink eye for the first time. We hope and pray we are on the mend and do not pass it or get it agian.
Grandma Edith had another procedure again on Monday. They found a bleeding ulcer. We had four little extra ones from Monday morning till Tuesday evening, needless to say, we did not feel like we got enough sleep Tues. morn. with all the interuptions during the night.
She came through the procedures fine, and we once again thought we were making progress, and then yesterday, she was moved back into ICU again.
On the brighter side, I am encouraged, despite the extra unplanned responsibilities, we did get at least five big projects, plus lots of others, completed this week towards Christmas preparations. (Don't ask how many more there is to do, just rejoice with me that five are completed. :) )
Hope you all have a great week!
As the angels rejoiced and sang, let us rejoice and sing!
Once again, thanks for your prayers! Melodie

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Prayer Requests

Grandma Edith who went in the hospital on the 22nd of June and has been in a hospital or care facility since then, except for one week, is having another procedure done today. She had heart surgery on Nov. 16th, we thought she was well on the mend, but this a.m. recieved another phone call saying that she was transported back to the hospital. We heard her two grandsons praying that she would come home for Christmas. Please join us in prayer that if it be God's will, this could happen, it sure would be an encouragement to the family.
Baby Wade has pink eye this week, I hope and pray that it will not spread around the classroom, especially since I watched him several times this week. With everyting else that is happening, I don't think we need this.
We certainly need prayer as we are planning and preparing for Christmas activities and services. We want it to be more than just a fun and busy time but a time to draw closer to the Christ of Christmas!!
God also knows about the three personal unspoken prayer requests!
Thank-you for joining with us in prayer about these matters! This morning's lesson was on Job and I am glad that He knows the way I take, and when I am tried may I come forth as gold. Mel

More Intersting Numbers

I heard this story:
A young man was a very good athlete and was wanting to play college football. The coach told he would have to pass a test. That made him very nervous because he fell short academically. Here's the test - multiply the nines
He sweated over this for quite a while and knew he couldn' t pass. He could only answer one problem. That was 9x1=9. So he decided to count the others to see how many he missed.
To be sure he counted right he counted again statring at the bottom counting up.
He made the team.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! Awwwwwwwww!

Its that time of the year again. We drag out the extra blankets, heaters and winter clothing. The days are getting shorter and shorter. It's hardly 5:30 pm and you have to turn the lights on. Some drag out the old chainsaw and get it tuned up for the winters wood supply. We have been doing something a little different. We haul coal. Yep, you read it correctly. For us to get wood we have to haul it more than 40 miles one way, and coal is about 20 miles. Now this picture is not our vehicle, but it is at the place we load it. Yes, we load it. Thursday, Marlin and I went to get coal and we loaded 1.75 ton on a 4 by 8 trailer. Then later we helped Judy load 3.75 ton on their truck. We get a double heat out of the load. We worked up quite a sweat loading it. Later we will feel its warmth radiate from the stove. As you can see some of those chunks of coal are quite large. They will burn for several hours.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Numbers! Just happened?

I received an e-mail and I thought I would share it. Isn't it amazing how numbers fit together. Look at these!

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Does this whet your appitite? More later!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

DON'T Throw That Pumpkin Out!

Do you still have that Halloween pumpkin that you had sitting out. If that nice looking orb is still around and you don't know what to do with it. I have a suggestion.
1. Cut in half and clean out all the seeds and that stringy mess inside.
2. Lay them on a cookie sheet and add some water.
3. Bake at 350* until the skin is nice and brown and pulling away from the pumpkin meat (blistering) about 45 min. depending on the size.
4. Peel the skin off and cut into chunks. Save the water in the pan.
5. Put the chunks in a blender along with some of the water and blend into a smooth puree.

Now do you know what you have? You know that stuff you find at Wal-Mart in a tin can that says "Pie Filling"? That's what you have, only this is better and really not that hard to prepare! You can take the pumpkin seeds and roast them and enjoy them for a snack later or keep some for next years crop in a small garden.

Now a recipe for that pumpkin puree

12 cups of pumpkin
3-5 cups of sugar
1 1/2 Tbs Cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp ginger

Stir well all the ingredients together in a crock pot and set on medium. Cook for about 7 hrs or overnight. Stir occasionally. Yields about 3 quarts.

You have just finished your first batch of Pumpkin Butter
If you have any of those canning jars, it is very easy to preserve.
1. Clean your jars in hot water.
2. Heat water in a small pan to boiling and turn off - put you canning lid in the hot water.
3. Pour your butter into the jars. Make sure the rims of you jars are clean or they will not seal.
4. Put your canning lids and rings on the jars and set out to cool and seal.
5. After they cool and seal open a jar and take a portion out and put on bread, toast, or whatever you like and enjoy.

Thanks Mom and Dad!

We sure enjoyed having you visit for a week, although it went toooo fast. A special thanks to every one who helped send some goodies and Christmas gifts our way. It is much appreciated!! Thanks again for everything!!!! Mel

:) Child Humor :)

After showing Grandma and Auntie's the pic, Amanda's brother, in a very disgusted tone of voice said Amanda was trying to be a Navajo Lady. His Auntie told him watch how you say Navajo, cuz you are one. He then replied that he was not Navajo. When asked what he was, he replied that he was a Cowboy! :) Mel

Saturday, November 10, 2007

And the rest of the story......

Up by 4 a.m. to can peaches, and had 18 jars canned before school. Yeah! The bad news, I'm still learning about canning in high altitude and all 18 jars unsealed by the end of the week. In doing research on the web, it seems we need to boil them for up to 30 min. considering our altitude. Thankfully, we were able to save most of them and freeze them. Fortunately, my husband used a different method to can the other jars and most of them are still sealed!!! Mel

Let's build to the sky!

Anyone want to help babysit????

School Chapels

Last school year, we started walking down "Route 66", the 66 books of the Bible. We only did the OT, so this year we are covering the NT. We have talked about the Gospels as being the pillars to the NT, Roman house that we are exploring. In each Gospel, we have talked about a "P". In Matthew, we had several lessons on Principles, such as attitude to be, forgiving, prayer, etc. For Mark, we talked about the Power of Jesus, in Luke it was the Parables of Jesus and in John the Promises of Jesus. Here are a few pics from one of the lessons in Mark, loaves and fishes, talking about Jesus has the power to supply our needs. Everyone was glad they could partake of banana loaves also. Mel

Room for another one?????

Had four extra children, which seems to happen a lot lately, due to situations out of our control. We just returned from town and I needed to prepare something to eat and of course that's when the baby started crying and everyone wanted to be held. :)


I'm back :)

Vacation to San Diego was very short but great and the demands of life afterwards have created LOS and I am out of blogging for over a month. My favorite part, besides camping with family was watching the sunset over the ocean and lights shining. I heard a phrase from a song today, that said, "Just let me be a lighthouse for Jesus." This expresses my heart's desire. Mel

Sunday, October 21, 2007

From Sea to shining Sea

At the beginning of this month we were privileged to go to San Diego, CA. I haven't been on the west coast much, neither on the east coast very often. But what I have seen I like the San Diego area. My brother, Jonathan, went there for his medical boards and a medical conference. He took his family with him. We met him there and spent a couple days visiting various places and enjoying the area. One thing I found very disconcerting. You're driving along on Interstate and you see this sign that says "Dead End", you look beyond and you see the Great Big Pacific Ocean! That's quite an eye opener when you see it for the first time. We had lots of fun. We will try to catch up later. It seems like yesterday was Oct. 1, and tomorrow is Oct. 31.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Enchanting Tidbits "Columbus Day"

We have been taught all our lives how in 1492 Christopher Columbus was the first European to discover the New World. We even have a National Holiday celebrating it. I have a Question to ask. Was he? Now I've heard there are some archeology sites along the east coast that some believe are remains of the Vikings. I'm kind of a history nut and when I find a book about history I like to look at it. Well, this summer at a second hand store I found a book titled "Mysteries & Miracles of New Mexico. Right down my alley. I bought it. There have been some very interesting things that have transpired in New Mexico where there are no explanations. Not very far from my sisters house in Grants, is basalt rock with very strange lettering on it. There are 11 sentences composed of 214 letters. For years some have tried to read and decipher these words. Some believe they are Phoenician characters. Others believe they are archaic Hebrew and a summary of the 10 Commandments. Others say they are Greek. What ever the case is, Scientist agree that they are very very old, dated close the the time of Christ. One thought maybe 500 B.C. Again the question I ask is, "Was he the first?"
I haven't seen this yet. I have only recently learned about it, but I am anxious to see it and photograph it.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Something else that makes this teacher excited!

I love teaching but I also love school breaks and this coming week we are taking a three day fall break! We are planning to take Seth's sister with us and travel the 9 hours to San Diego to meet his other brother (who will be attending a medical conference) and sister and their families. Please remember us in prayer that God will grant traveling mercies and undertake with some other concerns. Thank-you and have a great week in Jesus! Mel

What is happening in school?

This year we are traveling the road of success: "and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; "
For every 100%, the student receives a car to put on the "Racing to Success" poster.

We now have 6 weeks of school completed, which means that every student should have 2 PACES completed in every subject. Yes, they all made it, everyone has met the requirement!! I'm a happy teacher!
Our Memory Work for this month is Psalm 121, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." We certainly need help to run this race, so it is good to know where to look! And yes, all the students said all six verses, even the 4 and 6 year old. This makes for a very happy teacher!
For our unit theme, which we spend about 10 min. in studying in the morning, we travel to one of the 50 and learn some interesting facts! We have talked about the 5 Pacific States, and they know where they are located on the map and why they are called the Pacific States.
I am one very excited and proud teacher. I'm looking forward to a great year of "traveling". This week every student completed their goals and received a green star on their goal chart for the day. When they receive a green star for every day, they get a small prize the following week, for some its a "hot pickle" that they absolutely like, certainly more than their teacher. My K student, with stars in his eyes, turned to the 1st grader and said, "We learnin lots of new things, right?" I pray most of all, it will not be just an academic race, but a spiritual one --- Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Okay,I've been tagged!

Here are seven random things about myself:
1. I was the oldest for 11 years, and a Daddy's girl, in which he had me driving the tractor at 3 yrs of age so he could unload the manure spreader. He would tell me which way to turn, so he says, and laughed, cuz, I would turn around and look at him and go zig-zagging in the field. (I'm not sure I'd let my son do that!)
2. At seven, I ran the tractor in a tree cuz I couldn't turn the wheel fast enough to make it around the turn and it was very hard steering. (I don't think power steering was in exsistence at that time). After the front loader rammed in the tree, it stalled. There I sat crying, so sure dad was going to be upset. And when he saw me, he laughed.
3.Once a friend and I took a walk at dusk, some guys stopped to talk to us, we kept walking to get away from them. We could hear them drive down the road and turn around and start back, so we took off running in the woods and hid, unbeknowns to us, right in a patch of ivy poison, which we were both allergic too. We arrived safely home after dark, but suffered for weeks.
4. Another friend (Won't mention any names)and I went "cruising" down the main drag of town and while we were stopped at a red light a crazy man, who we thought was crossing the street in front of us, stuck his head in the window and screamed at the top of his lungs at us. (Lesson learned -- Don't do things just to be cool!)
5. At ten, I lost 4 siblings in a house fire, in dealing with some of the emotions involved, my Mom would stress that it could have been me, that died. God has me here for a purpose, and I need to find that purpose. I am a firm believer that there are no mistakes with GOD, no one is just an accident. We are special to God and here for a reason. This has become even more real to me as we have struggled with infertility and miscarriages. Thank God for our one miracle son, and for those who know about his birth can truly say he's a miracle!
6. In dealing with many issues and giving them to God, at about 14 years of age, I felt God"s call on my life to be a teacher in NM one day and approx. 14 years later those doors opened. I was about 7 when I started having a tender heart towards Navajo's.
7. My first date with Seth lasted approx. 8 hours! I was amazed that I felt so at ease, it was like sitting down and talking to a best friend, in which we still are!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Enchanting Scenes

We live in the desert, right? Right! Just sand, snake and bugs, right? Wrong! There are a number of things that have real beauty. An earlier post showed the sunset as it progressed. Recently I have been amazed again at some of the beauty even in some of the undesirables. You probably have heard of someone painting dried tumbleweeds and even marketing them. I have even fallen in one when I was younger and "oh the stickers". I've taken stickers out a week later. Did you know those nasty, prickly weeds have a flower? Well, they do as you can see in this picture. Notice the delicate petals and color. I wonder what this plant was like before the Fall of Man?

Then toward the end of August and into September you see these flowers pop up. I've seen quite a plot of these along the highway and then I've seen these in individual plants. I've often wondered what they were. After doing a search I found a name "Aster tanacetifolius" "Tahoka Daisy" or "Prairie Aster." I'm going to try to get some more pictures and post them later.

People often have a mindset that tells them that the desert is dry, barren, and empty. There are probably some that are, but most deserts have an amazing ecosystem thriving in them if you will take the time to find it.
