1. Cut in half and clean out all the seeds and that stringy mess inside.
2. Lay them on a cookie sheet and add some water.
3. Bake at 350* until the skin is nice and brown and pulling away from the pumpkin meat (blistering) about 45 min. depending on the size.
4. Peel the skin off and cut into chunks. Save the water in the pan.
5. Put the chunks in a blender along with some of the water and blend into a smooth puree.
Now do you know what you have? You know that stuff you find at Wal-Mart in a tin can that says "Pie Filling"? That's what you have, only this is better and really not that hard to prepare! You can take the pumpkin seeds and roast them and enjoy them for a snack later or keep some for next years crop in a small garden.
Now a recipe for that pumpkin puree
12 cups of pumpkin
3-5 cups of sugar
1 1/2 Tbs Cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp ginger
Stir well all the ingredients together in a crock pot and set on medium. Cook for about 7 hrs or overnight. Stir occasionally. Yields about 3 quarts.
You have just finished your first batch of Pumpkin Butter
If you have any of those canning jars, it is very easy to preserve.
1. Clean your jars in hot water.
2. Heat water in a small pan to boiling and turn off - put you canning lid in the hot water.
3. Pour your butter into the jars. Make sure the rims of you jars are clean or they will not seal.
4. Put your canning lids and rings on the jars and set out to cool and seal.
5. After they cool and seal open a jar and take a portion out and put on bread, toast, or whatever you like and enjoy.
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