It seems like our Christmas break flew by swiftly. School let out on Friday the 19th. We had snow that weekend and it grew pretty cold, the Lord let it be a nice day and evening on the 23rd. We got all the students except 2 to go Christmas Caroling. Not too many have done this in our area, so we are trying to start a little tradition. Christmas day we went to jail. gulp! Yes, you read correctly. Only we go because we want to share the Good News! My Dad has gone to jail on Thanksgiving and Christmas day ever since he started having jail services and we have tried to continue. More cold weather. Sunday night after service we left our house and headed to South Dakota to see my two sisters. It is an 18 hr trip and we drove straight through.

We had a family reunion planned for New Years Eve. We all made it but William (Jonathan's son) had a seizure on the way out and then ended up in the hospital in Sioux Falls, and Darla stayed with him. Jan 1st and 2nd I was able to go deer hunting. South Dakota has a special season in January because of the large deer population. We had 7 deer tags and we filled 5 before 2:oo then another that afternoon and the 7th on the Jan. 2.

I was able to bring four deer home. My 2 tags and my brother-in-law gave me 2 of his. We woke up Saturday morning to gray skies and blowing snow and we neede to be home for Sunday services. The Lord helped us and we drove only about 70 miles and the winds quieted some and the sun came out. We had good roads most of the way home. Sunday morning was cloudy in Grants where my sister Dorcas lives and it tried to snow.

By the time we got clear home we had 4-6 inches of snow and by Monday morning there was a good 9 inches of snow on the ground.

Wednesday afternoon the students enjoyed a time of sledding down a hill close to our house.